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Professional Tree Service
Fort Mill, SC

Providing tree pruning, tree trimming, tree removal, and all phases of tree care to the Fort Mill, SC area.


Trees can be a beautiful asset to your property, but they can also present a risk.


Part of the responsibility with having trees on your property is proper maintenance so that they do not get to a point to where they become a hazard and a danger to your investments and family.


We offer services that will keep trees healthy and safe such as trimming, pruning, and if necessary, complete removals.

All estimates are free of charge. Call or Text any day 
any time.


Tree Removal


The decision to remove a tree should be the last resort. But sometimes when trees are not maintained throughout their life, they can become a risk.

With time, trees can overgrow their location creating problems such as falling limbs or an entire tree falling onto a structure.

As with all forms of life, trees can become diseased and begin the process of dying. If proper maintenance is performed, these diseases can be mitigated, and the life of the tree saved. Unfortunately, far too often, property owners are not aware of the problems and the tree will become too far gone and a complete removal may be necessary. Not only does a dying and decaying tree create a substantial risk to your property and family, it also causes the price of the work to increase. With dying, decaying, or dead trees, the work that must be performed must be done so in a much slower and safter way.

Tree Removal Fort Mill SC
Emergency Tree Removal
Local Tree Removal Companies
Cheap Tree Removal
Fallen Tree Removal
Safe Tree Removal
Commercial Tree Removal
Residential Tree Removal
Tree Company Fort Mill
Fort Mill Tree Removal Estimates
Removal Red Maple
Sweetgum Tree Removal
Large Oak Tree Removal
Tree Limb Removal 


Tree Pruning


Tree pruning is the act of removing limbs in order to benefit the tree in a healthy way. By eliminating limbs that may be dying, diseased, or rotting, the overall health of the tree is increased.

Pruning can and should begin when the tree is very young. By removing unnecessary growths such as competing leaders, it will create a better foundation for the tree to grow into.

Although pruning should only be performed about every 2-3 years, any dead or diseased limbs should be removed immediately to stop the spread into the rest of the tree.

Tree Pruning Fort Mill
Tree Pruning Tools
Fort Mill Tree Trimming
Non-Damaging Tree Trimming
Commercial Tree Trimming
Residential Tree Trimming
Tree Pruning Service Fort Mill
Fort Mill Tree Pruning Estimates
Pruning Red Maple Tree
Oak genus Tree Trimming
Large Sweetgum Tree Trimming
Tree Pruning Benefits 


Tree Trimming


Tree trimming is the process of removing limbs to create a more pleasant looking tree or to remove limbs due a risk they may create.

Trimming and Pruning are different since pruning is focused on the health of a tree where trimming is focused on other factors than the tree itself. Typically, trimming is initiated due to limbs that present a danger of falling or causing damage to property. These limbs are removed to eliminate the risk or danger they create. Trimming can also be performed to create a more pleasing looking tree.

Liberty Tree service will provide the tools and the crew to accomplish whatever task you need taken care of.

Tree Trimming Fort Mill
Tree Trimming Tools
Fort Mill Tree Trimming
Non-Damaging Tree Trimming
Commercial Tree Trimming
Residential Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming Service Fort Mill
Fort Mill Tree Trimming Estimates
Trimming Red Maple Tree
Oak genus Tree Trimming
Large Sweetgum Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming Benefits


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